Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has been sworn in as the President of the Philippines in Manila. He succeeds the outgoing President Rodrigo Duterte. It has been decided to rename Aurangabad city Sambhaji Nagar and Osmanabad as Dharashiv. In Asia Cup men’s hockey 2022 at Jakarta, team India defeated Japan 1-0 to win the bronze medal. Eknath Shinde has sworn in as the Chief Minister of Maharashtra, while Devendra Fadnavis has taken over as Deputy Chief Minister. Mukesh Ambani has resigned from the board of his group telecom arm, Reliance Jio and handed over the reins of the company to Akash Ambani. Eighth International Yoga day was celebrated around the world on 21st June 2022."Yoga for Humanity" was the theme of 2022 yoga day. Neeraj Chopra, the gold medalist from the Tokyo Olympics, won a gold medal again at the Kuortane Games after a throw of 86.69m on his first attempt. Gujarat becomes the first state in the country to introduce Balika Panchayats. It is a unique initiative of t...